Blogging from home, here you can see I have drawn a sketch of what may be a possible look for our CLN website, reason being i have done this is to give myself an idea and a vision of how the website will look in appearance, after making the sketch i will analyse some positive and negative aspects of the drawing and then take some points on board to implement on the real website.
On the sketch i have drawn for our CLN website as a rough guideline i have included elements such as mandatory buttons to navigate around the website, the buttons consist of the "Home" "About us" "Health" and "Finance" the home page is the main page where everything can be located such as the latest news, live video streams of coverage on news, furthermore links that take you to stories relating to smoking, money, fitness, transport, nightlife, entertainment and technology, so in other words simply everything that covers life in the city.
Furthermore elements on the home page would be a search bar to search internally on the website if a user is having trouble of finding a certain thing through navigation of links and so on, in addition there is a weather forecast which shows the weather for the day from the morning through out the night.
On the "About us" page is information based on the group behind CLN, details will include things such as when the news company was established, who are the main people that formed the team and the company, as well as the amount of staff that work for the company, and their speciality etc.
Moving on to the "Health" page as obvious as the title makes it, this page will be covering information about health tips and facts, and ways to improve health through exercise and diet.
The last page "Finance" also from the heading makes it clear what information will be held on this page, this page is dedicated to information about the economy, money issues and ways to save money and manage money to last longer and so on.
Based on my sketch, if the group and i were to follow whats on the paper, throughout the website the CLN logo and the landscape of the city in London will be presented always on the top of the page in the header, and the social network links displayed at the bottom, such as Twitter and Facebook and lastly a YouTube link as well.
This is what the final preview of the drawing sketch looks like. |
Here as you can see above is the same drawing sketch of the website but with annotations to explain what each part is and the functions and features on the website and so on.
Going in clockwise order from the diagram.
- Blue = CLN logo
- Green = Central London landscape
- Red = Latest news slide show
- Purple = Live video coverage
- Turquoise = Different story topic links
- Orange = Social network links e.g. Twitter & Facebook + YouTube
- Brown = Weather forecast
- Pink = Search bar
- Grey = Website buttons