As a group we understand the significance of branding our news group with a logo as mainstream/majority of news do.
For example, ITV news is a very popular news station as it belongs to the channel that it is broadcast on. It is practically the word 'NEWS' incorporated with the original ITV logo. ITV continue to keep their branding by keeping the logo the same on both the channel and news logo. The bold black font of 'itv' on the yellow background, makes the text stand out as the colours contrasts as the slightly gradient yellow embossed box is quite bright in comparison. The 'NEWS' is typed in capitals to highlight that it is ITV's news and the white font works well in contrast with the actually black background so the actual title sequence can move behind it. We wanted to fufil a similar brightness and boldness.
As you can see BBC has several news platforms hence adaptions of the original BBC NEWS logo. Just like ITV, it belongs to a bigger franchise and is probably the most popular UK news provider. In terms of their logo, they have kept the original BBC logo that is each letter in seperate boxes which help it stand out along with the font being the same colour as the red background. Equally the 'NEWS' text is in the same font as the 'BBC' that is added under it is the same white as the boxes. This way BBC have an effective, bold and yet simple iconic logo that sticks to the brand. We really liked the simplicity of two main colours as well as the boxes to exaggerate the acronym 'BBC'.

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