Tuesday 18 September 2012

The process of designing the 'CLN' logo.

Hi, it’s Jasmine. As the designer of the logo I thought I’d describe how we came to making the logo with the help of the team. The process of making our logo faced several times where we altered it and felt like something was missing, whether it be the colours or shapes incorporated into it. One thing we agreed on at the beginning is that we’d go for the ‘simple but effective’ approach. So at first we were going to go with a black and white colour scheme which was literally ‘CLN’ in simple font in a white box and as simple as it was, it was also boring and plain. 

We figured that we wanted to keep one of the two monotones and eventually decided we wanted the colour white on top of another colour so it would pop out, similar to the BBC news logo. We took this plain design onto Adobe Photoshop Elements, which was the only program I used throughout in terms of creating the logo as last year I became familiarised and learnt how to use the program effectively.  After testing different colours for the background we found that shades of blue worked the most effectively and decided that a blue and white scheme would be our brand colours. 

Still something was missing and so because ‘CLN’ was an acronym for ‘Central London News’, we figured it was worth testing out whether or not incorporating the words into the logo would work without the logo looking too overcrowded and then it resulted into working really well on top of a white strip under ‘CLN’ with the font being the same colour as the background. The idea of putting the words in boxes instead of a strip was suggested and so we put each of the words in the same size and colour boxes instead and found it looked more appealing. 

After a few tests of bevel and shadow effects on the background itself and the separate box shapes, we ended up with a result that all three of us were pleased with.
(testing out 'bevel' layer effects)

(finished result)

Over and out


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